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gartendekoparadies.de - Animal statues

Animal statues embellish your garden discreetly and individually

Life is shared by many gardeners with animals that naturally settle in the garden. If you want to add specific liveliness to your plant, you can place cast stone animal statues at your pond, on posts and other places. For different areas of your garden, you can get white concrete animals of various types and appearances in the online store.

gartendekoparadies.de - the place to go for pet-friendly gardeners

Eagle antique

Gardening and the love of animals are directly related. Animals, such as birds and insects, inhabit your green space in numerous forms of life and give pleasure to observers.

You can put your favorite animals in the garden as animal statues and admire the beauty of the sculptures whenever you want.

Rottweiler dog

You can combine figures to recreate the habitat of native animals. Alternatively, purchase exotic animal figurines of large predators that look like you are roaming your garden. A proud lion on your property will certainly attract the attention of interested visitors.

Big sleeping dragon

At gartendekoparadies.de the stone animals are available in white and colored. Optical diversity allows you any composition of the animals and the realization of your personal dream home.

Classic and extravagant animal statues - three figures presented

1. Figur - Der antike Adler als Steinfigur

Der "Adler antik" beobachtet aufmerksam seine Umgebung, wie ein echter Adler. Seinem lebendigen Vorbild sieht das Modell täuschend ähnlich, denn die realistische Färbung und das liebevoll ausgearbeitete Gefieder bezeichnen das außergewöhnliche Tier aus Stein.

Eagle antique
Riesiges Krokodil

2. Figur - Krokodil Steinfigur

Mit seinem aufgerissenen Maul beeindruckt die Krokodil-Tierfigur Reptilienfreunde und Liebhaber des Exotischen. Die grau gefärbte Statue definiert sich durch echt aussehende Schuppen, die das typische Erscheinungsbild bestimmen.

3. Figur - Rauhaardackel Steinfigur

Treuer Blick, große Schlappohren: Die Rauhaardackel Steinfigur bewacht Ihren Garten, die Terrasse oder den Platz neben einem Blumenkübel. An unterschiedlichen Plätzen steht der 26 Kilogramm schwere Jagdhund passend, schließlich begleiten echte Hunde Ihre Besitzer oft überall hin.

Selbstredend obliegt Ihnen die Standortwahl für die robusten Tierfiguren. Die Fabrikate überstehen unterschiedliche Witterungen wegen der Hochwertigkeit problemlos.

Large wire-haired Dachshund dog

Cast stone animals - proven quality of a stable material

The production of different and attractive looking animal statues requires a solid base, which cast stone provides.

Aggregates mixed with water and a binder are poured by the manufacturer into a hollow mold. After demolding, the result is a sculpture made of artificial stone.

Frost resistance is considered an outstanding feature of cast stone, so you can leave your animal figures outside in the cold months without hesitation.

Different weather conditions affect the material, causing an antique gray patina to form on the surface of the statues. The discoloration beautifies the animal models from "gartendekoparadies.de" and emphasizes the individual structures of fur, facial features and other details.

Weather resistance requires quality texture, an aspect that the animal models permanently fulfill. Thanks to reliable durability, the animal figures will accompany you for many years and decorate the area assigned to them.

Statues as animals - versatile field of application.

Creative gardeners quickly place the decorative animals in a suitable location or take inspiration from the way of life of animals in the wild.

For example, you can place an elephant by your garden pond, because real elephants enjoy baths in water holes and drink from them.

You can place a dragon statue or the stone turtle in your flower bed, which with a little imagination will look like a swamp.

Your ideas are not subject to limits, but can stimulate your imagination. Some ideas arise only if after you buy the animal figurines, because the individual design of your garden will encourage you to think and support ingenuity.

Shopping in the online gardendekoparadies.de

The statues you overview on the Interpräsenz with attractive product images, based on which you can choose your favorite.

On the product page you specify the number of each animal statues and can see in the shopping cart, which figures you still need for your animal garden.

The simple process allows in one order the easy combination of all animal figurines for your personal collection, within minutes.


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